Harrison Arboriculture have worked for many local authorities providing officer support for development control, planning support in dealing with determinations for applications for works on protected trees, customer relations dealing with enquiries and complaints both internal and external to the authority, on the client side providing works orders to term contractors or gathering quotations from contractors within a local framework resulting from enquiries, hazard assessments or programmed management.
We are able to provide short term officer support for interim periods where an officer may have moved on and the authority is seeking to fill the post, maternity leave, long term sickness or simply as an extra pair of hands to deal with a backlog. With a wealth of experience in many of the software packages used at local authorities we can provide effective front line support.
Current government advice recommends that local planning authorities review their Tree Preservation Orders to ensure they are up-to-date, accurately reflecting the amenity value of the tree stock.
With preservation orders first introduced in 1947, circumstances in which many were made have now changed and the orders are no longer appropriate perhaps they are not under any threat of damage and under good arboricultural management or, many trees covered by orders have been removed all together but with limited resources local authorities more often than not do not have the man power to spare to undertake the arduous task of updating their records.
We can provide a programme for the review area TPO's, plotting maps into a GIS based system, producing legal documents, including revocation and variations providing plans and schedules and informing tree owners of any changes.